Toddler Knock Knee
by sequoya
Toddler knock knee
My son who is three has just been diagnosed with Toddler Knock knee. When I first noticed his knees. (which wasn't that long ago), I thought he would be fine, that he would grow out of it. But as time passed, the look of his knees and legs just wasn't appealing. Therefore I made an appointment to see the doctor. When she told me there was no growing out of it, I cried because I knew my only option was surgery or leg braces and I couldn't handle the fact of either one. He was an very active three year old who liked the outdoors. So knowing he could have to be immobilized by surgery or braces scared me. As a mother, I am worried, scared and hurt. He does complain with his toes feeling tingly sometimes, and that was also connected with the knocked knees. I need comfort, support and more information on this issue.