By Prodyut Das

case discussion on pinched nerve in shoulder

nerves at shoulder

nerves at shoulder

I had a DCR surgery on 7-6-2010. And today I have a pinched nerve in shoulder that is causing atrophy in the muscles on back of shoulder. The surgen is going in to free up nerve in shoulder. I have pain 24/7. Has anyone had an experience like this?

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Dec 11, 2017
tony on headaches and pain NEW
by: Anonymous

tony sounds like you have problem with your neck at c5 c6 c7 i had same problem doctor fused c5 c6 c7 headaches when away some most pain gone it took 1yr for shoulder pain to be completly gone tingling and numbness gone after surgery had it done in 2010 neck is starting to hurt recently iam sure i over used my neck by working to hard again good luck

Dec 11, 2017
tony on headaches and pain NEW
by: Anonymous

tony sounds like you have problem with your neck at c5 c6 c7 i had same problem doctor fused c5 c6 c7 headaches when away some most pain gone it took 1yr for shoulder pain to be completly gone tingling and numbness gone after surgery had it done in 2010 neck is starting to hurt recently iam sure i over used my neck by working to hard again good luck

Apr 11, 2012
Pain at my front of my forehead
by: toni roderick

Hi there. I experience pain at my front of my forehead,their is and extra rib on the right of my neck,causing pain in the left of my neck and feels like my cervicle neck is shifting from right to left and left to right with pain in my upper left shoulder between my shoulder blade. What is this?

Dec 24, 2011

by: Anonymous

My hubby had a very large spinal cord tumour removed off his spinal cord in the neck area.. he had 7 vertebra opened up by the surgeon but it being so massive and entwined around many nerves he was only able to remove 90% of the tumour.. 10% is still pressing on the spine.. hes certainly blessed to get that over with but the outcome from the surgery is numbness in his forearms and hands.. hes managed very well with this but the worse is the severed nerves from cutting out the tumour he suffers 24/7 with unbarable shoulder pain. its not on the shoulder bone its lower in the muscle area down his arm under the blade... hes had every test going and they still say its severed nerves.. Hes been on Lyrica for 6 years..its for Fybromyalgia his Neurologist put him on this for the severed nerves and its used for shingles as can only ask your doctor and give it a try.. it wasn't a 100% painfree but it settled it down enough to cope.. side effect is drausiness and fatigue and that he has.. but something has to help we just pray maybe they'll find another way to settle down servered nerves and stop the pain.
Hope you find some relief theres nothing worse then pain.. God Bless..

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